Author: Patent Translations

Sorry for the acronym string. I couldn’t resist. MIP (Managing Intellectual Property) is a trade journal out of London that does a good job of providing global coverage. They have a free newsletter called MIP Week, which is perfect for people like me, who want to stay abreast but are too cheap and lazy to […]Continue reading

Let’s get this straight. I’m a big machine translation fan. Many of my colleagues think machine translation (or MT, as they call it) is the devil. They worry that MT might be after their jobs, or that MT might be giving a bad name to the general concept of translation. As a specialist, I see […]Continue reading

Contents v Preface vii Introduction    PART I: THE ART AND PRACTICE OF PATENT TRANSLATION 3 Approaches to Patent Translation: Many Ways to Build a Mousetrap Kirk Anderson 11 An Introduction to Patent Translation Nicholas Hartmann 19 Literal Translation of Patents Martin Cross 29 Industrial Property Considerations for Patent Translators R. Vivanco Cohn […]Continue reading

What once was a rate event has become a common occurrence. Attorneys now call us up several times a week to ask us to answer specific questions about what is or is not disclosed in a foreign publication or to have just specific sections of a document translated. In days of yore, 97% of the […]Continue reading

If you ever get a translation of a published patent from me that is full of run-on sentences, inconsistent terminology and weak logic, you may just be looking at my best work. When translating patents for information or litigation support, our job of is like that of a court interpreter — we reproduce what was […]Continue reading

I once translated a priority document together with another translator. We used a translation of the priority document, which had long ago been filed with the USPTO, as our common terminology reference (that way both of us would use the same terms in our translations). The translation published by the USPTO was probably done by […]Continue reading

I hadn’t noticed this before: It looks pretty good. It covers the application processes, differences with respect to other countries and all the basic stuff that someone new to the system would want to know, plus links to the actual law and examiner’s guidelines. I’d say bookmark it. Martin Cross Japanese Patent Translation

Recently I’ve been translating a lot of litigation support stuff. Usually, when you say those words in translation circles, the images that come to mind are of boxes containing ten thousand pages of handwritten discovery documents that need to be translated in two days. What I am doing this time is a little different. I’m […]Continue reading

I once had the chance to edit a translation by a well-known and very successful (by which I mean busy) J>E translator. There were numerous problems with the translation which could be attributed to a poor grasp of Japanese and a poor understanding of the technology. The result was a translation that seemed to describe […]Continue reading